Friday, June 28, 2013

I got a job!

I started working at a local gym this week as one of their fitness instructors.  I have been teaching classes at my church for over a year now and when a facebook status popped up that the gym was hiring I replied and then went in, talked to them and got the job:)  I am teaching Cycle and BodyPump on Monday nights, BodyPump on Wednesday afternoons and Cardio/Sculpt on Friday mornings.  This makes 5 days a week of teaching classes for me. (well, this summer my cardio/sculpt class at church is only on Thursdays so it is only 4 days of teaching until Fall)  I LOVE it!  My body is sore because of doing something different.  I typically exercise everyday anyway but this has me exercising multiple times a day.  I've also increased my running mileage.  I actually found someone local to run with and it has been GREAT!  I've signed up for a FULL marathon in December and I know I have lost my mind but it's a goal that I hope to fulfill.  I thought I would show my workout schedule for this week just for the fun of it.

Monday- Interval Training at home
Tuesday- Ran 6 miles
Wednesday- Ran 5 miles and Body Pump
Thursday- Cardio/Sculpt
Friday- Cardio/Sculpt
Saturday- 11 miles- running for the first time with a group that I call the "real runners" of my town
Sunday- much need REST day- I've only taken 1 other rest day the entire month of June

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Sweet Summertime

I can't believe we are quickly approaching the end of June!  It seems like the kids just got of school yesterday.   If I allowed all my kids want to do is spend hours watching t.v and playing their electronic devices.  Today I taught my fitness class this morning and then we came home and I let them do whatever until after lunch.  After lunch I declared that they had to spend a few hours doing something besides watching t.v, playing on the computer or their electronics.  They didn't like me very much at first but then I told them that when I was a child I spent most of my day outside playing in my tree house or on my trampoline.  We also had a pool in our backyard but I didn't mention that;)  So, Kayla decided she wanted to paint in her treehouse and gathered her supplies.  Hayden quickly followed.  They painted and then decided they wanted to squirt each other with water while they played on the trampoline.  They spent 3 hours outside in the backyard.  That is HUGE for my kids...they never go outside when we are here unless they are forced.  It is weird.  I must confess that Summer isn't my favorite season.  I am more of a Fall or Spring type girl.  I don't like to be hot but of course I don't like to be cold either.  I don't love sweltering in the heat to be outside in the summer.  I am also not a huge fan of hanging out at the pool...I know, I'm weird but I just don't love it.  We have passes to the local water park and have been several times and we have also been to my Dad's pool to let them swim.  Actually, that is what we did yesterday. 

Here are a few things we have done so far this summer:)

We spent the first few days of summer at my Mom's in Fairhope, AL and drove over to Gulf Shores everyday for some beach fun:)

We went to the forest for a family hike one Saturday.

We had VBS last week

I hope everyone is having a GREAT summer:)