Monday, November 11, 2013

Marathon Training

I am currently training for my 1st FULL marathon...26.2 miles on December 14th.  The training has been going well and I actually ran 19 miles on Saturday.  It wasn't easy but it went much better than expected.  I only have 5 weeks left until the marathon.  I typically run my long runs on Saturdays with a group of friends who run.  The social aspect of running is so much fun!  Back in September a friend and I decided to run a local half marathon one Saturday and it was POURING down rain that morning and during most of the race.  We were determined and we both wanted to beat 2 hours.  I got tired at about mile 10 and slowed my pace some and told Lindsey to just leave me...she did and she beat her time goal and got 1st in her age group and low and behold...I beat mine too...barely...but I did it...1:59:53...I'll take it for a race in the rain!!!  I ended up placing 3rd in my age group:)

I have a 12 mile run Saturday, a 20 mile the next Saturday, then a 12 miler the next Saturday and then it is taper time...only 8 miles the next Saturday and then the next Saturday is MARATHON time...ack!  So excited!!!

Ecuador-October 2013

I had the privilege of leading a group on a mission trip back to my favorite country....Ecuador! There is just something about that country...the people...the scenery...just it all...I LOVE it!  I can't share pictures of the precious orphans that we visited but here a just a few from the trip:)

 Our team with the missionary family after church
 A view of the city from the van window
 Me doing yardwork at one of the orphanages:)
Outside of the gas station

I will be traveling back to Ecuador and leading another trip in June and I can't wait!!!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

It's been awhile

I love to read blogs but I can't seem to find the motivation to keep my own updated.  We are busy around here.  Kayla is in 5th grade and now plays travel soccer.  Hayden is in 1st grade and playing rec league soccer again.  I have quit teaching fitness classes at church due to peoples schedules interfering with them being able to come and am now teaching at the gym 4 days a week.  I love it!  I am well into my marathon training.  The marathon is December 14.  I will run my 4th half this Saturday:)

Hayden turned 7
 Kayla got contacts
 Me and my babies
Kayla turned 10
First day of 1st and 5th grade

Monday, July 22, 2013


For the past month or so on Saturdays I have been meeting a group of people to do a long run.  This week we ran 14 miles.  The longest I have ever ran.  I am loving it.  I am signed up for my first full marathon in December but am wishing I had signed up for a closer one.  Several of my running friends are running 7 Bridges and others are running New York.  I am loving running and teaching at the gym.  We have had a lazy summer but I have to say I am kind of enjoying not having a lot of plans:)

Friday, June 28, 2013

I got a job!

I started working at a local gym this week as one of their fitness instructors.  I have been teaching classes at my church for over a year now and when a facebook status popped up that the gym was hiring I replied and then went in, talked to them and got the job:)  I am teaching Cycle and BodyPump on Monday nights, BodyPump on Wednesday afternoons and Cardio/Sculpt on Friday mornings.  This makes 5 days a week of teaching classes for me. (well, this summer my cardio/sculpt class at church is only on Thursdays so it is only 4 days of teaching until Fall)  I LOVE it!  My body is sore because of doing something different.  I typically exercise everyday anyway but this has me exercising multiple times a day.  I've also increased my running mileage.  I actually found someone local to run with and it has been GREAT!  I've signed up for a FULL marathon in December and I know I have lost my mind but it's a goal that I hope to fulfill.  I thought I would show my workout schedule for this week just for the fun of it.

Monday- Interval Training at home
Tuesday- Ran 6 miles
Wednesday- Ran 5 miles and Body Pump
Thursday- Cardio/Sculpt
Friday- Cardio/Sculpt
Saturday- 11 miles- running for the first time with a group that I call the "real runners" of my town
Sunday- much need REST day- I've only taken 1 other rest day the entire month of June

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Sweet Summertime

I can't believe we are quickly approaching the end of June!  It seems like the kids just got of school yesterday.   If I allowed all my kids want to do is spend hours watching t.v and playing their electronic devices.  Today I taught my fitness class this morning and then we came home and I let them do whatever until after lunch.  After lunch I declared that they had to spend a few hours doing something besides watching t.v, playing on the computer or their electronics.  They didn't like me very much at first but then I told them that when I was a child I spent most of my day outside playing in my tree house or on my trampoline.  We also had a pool in our backyard but I didn't mention that;)  So, Kayla decided she wanted to paint in her treehouse and gathered her supplies.  Hayden quickly followed.  They painted and then decided they wanted to squirt each other with water while they played on the trampoline.  They spent 3 hours outside in the backyard.  That is HUGE for my kids...they never go outside when we are here unless they are forced.  It is weird.  I must confess that Summer isn't my favorite season.  I am more of a Fall or Spring type girl.  I don't like to be hot but of course I don't like to be cold either.  I don't love sweltering in the heat to be outside in the summer.  I am also not a huge fan of hanging out at the pool...I know, I'm weird but I just don't love it.  We have passes to the local water park and have been several times and we have also been to my Dad's pool to let them swim.  Actually, that is what we did yesterday. 

Here are a few things we have done so far this summer:)

We spent the first few days of summer at my Mom's in Fairhope, AL and drove over to Gulf Shores everyday for some beach fun:)

We went to the forest for a family hike one Saturday.

We had VBS last week

I hope everyone is having a GREAT summer:)

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Rice , Cheese and Summer

I am currently totally addicted to brown rice.  I had some this morning for breakfast with 1/2 tbsp of honey drizzled on top...YUMMY and filling:)  I am having some for dinner with some fish fillets.  I have also had a thing for string cheese lately.  I eat at least 2 sticks a day.  I guess my calcium intake is low or something.  This actually could be true since I don't really drink milk anymore.  

I can't believe that my kids only have 1 week from school left.  Their last day is next Thursday....crazy...summer is almost here:)

Friday, April 12, 2013

Easter through the years

This is more for me than for anyone else to see.  Thankful that I took charge of my health:)

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


The hand of a little boy who stole my heart.  I can't show pictures of the orphans faces.

I visited Ecuador for the first time on a mission trip this past summer and to say it changed my life is an understatement.  I can't even put into words how I feel about that country, the people and those sweet orphans.  It was a dream come true to go and be a missionary for a week.  There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about it.  I long to be there.  As crazy at it sounds I would leave everything. I have to go do mission work every day of my life.  If I could do life over I would go spend some time in another country doing just that.  It is harder to say yes to something when you have a husband and kids.  So far Ken doesn't feel the calling that I do to do these types of things.  It isn't that he is against anything I do but his heart isn't there like mine is.  I would move today, adopt today, do something totally radical today but the decision isn't completely up to me.  I am leading a trip back to Ecuador in October and I absolutely cannot wait.  It can't get here fast enough!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Most days of my life my heart aches and I long for something more.  It isn't about being dissatisfied where I am in life now it is more of wanting to make a difference and not sit back and act like there isn't anything I can do. My heart longs to do so much more about the orphan crisis and poverty in this world. I just can't fathom that people go through life with no family and others with no food.  It aches me to the core to know this and I know this crisis could be solved but so many sit back and act as if it isn't happening.  Why?  Because it doesn't effect their life.  It should effect all of us.  What if it was you or your child?  Would we feel different?

Friday, March 1, 2013

Perfection is my enemy

My thoughts this morning have been on perfection and how it truly is my enemy in life.  The reason I started thinking about it this morning is because my youngest decided right before we walked out the door for school  that he wanted a "Cat in the Hat" costume rather than just wearing the hat he had said he would wear.  I specifically asked him about a costume multiple times yesterday and he said just the hat was ok.  So, this morning I was unprepared.  I had no ribbon, no fabric and so I quickly cut a red tie and a white belly out of construction paper and taped it to his black shirt.  It was the best I could do in literally 5 minutes.  I found myself almost in tears after I dropped him off this morning because it wasn't perfect.  The "I am not a perfect mom guilt" gets to me a lot and that was one of those moments.  I told my self to shake it off and it is ok.  He thought it was great and that is all that matters.

This got me thinking about how perfection has held me back in so many areas of my life.  To look at me you wouldn't call me a perfectionist.  I'm not always pulled together, in fact most of the time you will see me in workout clothes with my hair in a ponytail.  What you don't see is the fact that I continuously beat myself up over my lack of perfection.  I can't tell you the number of times I have stood in my closet and bawled my eyes out because I didn't have the perfect thing to wear to something.  It isn't out of greed and I don't feel like I need more clothing.  It is more that I don't look "perfect" or well pulled together if that makes sense.  This happened almost daily when I was heavier.  I have actually cancelled going places over not feeling comfortable with what I had to wear.  While I am confessing, I have missed multiple functions over clothing, not the perfect gift or even the perfect food to carry to things such as baby showers, bunco or any other get together.  I am not hospitable and I don't invite people over regularly not because I don't want them here, it is because I am too worried that my house is not perfect and what will I feed them if it is at a meal time.

I remember as a teenager especially I would feel very awkward going into a new place such as a store or restaurant because I was afraid I would do something the wrong way and I wouldn't be "perfect" and people would notice.  I remember Ken and I having discussions about this and me crying over being nervous when we would go somewhere new to eat on our dates.  Even now I have to ask the Lord for strength and courage to go into new places at times.  Some days it doesn't bother me but some days it is a true struggle.  I don't like calling people on the phone because I am afraid there will be silence and I won't have the right thing to say.  I don't volunteer to do certain things because I am afraid I won't know how to do them "perfectly" and someone might make fun of me because of it.  

God is working on me in these areas.  It took a LOT of courage on my part for me teach fitness classes at my church.  I was incredibly nervous and scared that I wouldn't do it "perfectly".  I still get nervous when a new person comes in class.

So, what exactly is perfection?  Webster defines it as "freedom from fault or defect; flawless".  I am certainly not without fault or defect but you know what the only person who is flawless is Jesus.  I am so thankful that I can lean on him and cry out to him when I feel overwhelmed by my lack of perfection.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

New Blog

I've had a couple of blogs in the past that have primarily been focused around my weight loss journey of losing 80 pounds.  I'm not going to promise that I won't post about that but I want this blog to be less focused on that and more about the other things going on in my life such as my family, my heart for orphans and just day to day life:)

Here is one of the most recent casual family pic I think I have of my crew on Christmas Day.